Dumbwaiters were originally designed to carry food from a basement kitchen to the dining room, and their use expanded to carry groceries, laundry, firewood, and many other items from floor to floor. Today residential dumbwaiters are used for many applications to move almost anything other than people. They are a great convenience, and a means of providing freedom and safety in moving items from floor to floor.
Dumbwaiters are the perfect solution for many restaurants, medical facilities, and offices for moving food, medical specimens, supplies, records and other materials from floor to floor. Options of stainless steel with removable shelves, painted interiors, lighting, and capacities up to 500 pounds are available on our commercial dumbwaiters.
Providing Floor-to-floor Convenience
One of the greatest risks of injury in the home or office results from falls incurred while carrying objects up and down stairs. Today, dumbwaiters are used for many applications to move almost anything other than people. They are a great convenience, and a means of providing freedom and safety in moving items from floor to floor.
Dumbwaiter Customizations
Residential Dumbwaiters are a great way to move heavy items such as laundry, luggage, or groceries from a basement level garage to a kitchen, or to an upper floor or attic space for storage. A dumbwaiter can be hidden inside a kitchen cabinet, allowing you to remove groceries at counter height. The small footprint can be easily accommodated in closet space and can have multiple stops from basement to attic.
Commercial dumbwaiters can be customized for carrying hot, cold, hazardous materials, and can be designed to take lab carts, laundry carts, food trays, or nearly anything that needs to be transported from floor to floor.
No more carrying heavy items up and down stairs, risking a fall or injury. Call us for a home visit to determine the best installation options for your dumbwaiter.